Level One Complete

I’ve officially survived and thrived during my first week at EA.

Friday was particularly fun because I got to wear jeans–and had lunch with a bunch of the other interns.  As a highly motivated and proactive individual (I started this entry at work), I planned the lunch.  This pretty much involved stalking the others on Outlook and sending one of those obnoxious emails that’s like “hi guys! let’s get together! 12:00–be there or be square!”

Anyway, it was fun to unwind.  It seems that, typically, we are sorta just walled into our cubes, attending meetings that are above our heads, or running random errands for bosses.  (Not so much me on the last one: my boss is cool, and besides, I have my own project!)

The other day, I was at lunch with the intern on the other side of my little wall, and a lady from Marketing came up to us and suggested the intern lunch. She mentioned that she’s been catching her intern eating lunch by himself and asked us to invite him. Cute, huh? I’ll do you one better, lady: creepily email everybody!!

And let me tell you, that kid showed right up after a quick trip across the street to Subway. As did most everybody else. I’m hoping it becomes a regular thing!

In college, it could be better to eat lunch by yourself: maybe you had a paper, or a short break between classes. Or enjoyed eavesdropping on the more entertaining conversations around you. Greeks gossiping after a long “weekend” of partying (Wed-Sun). People swapping crazy stories about walking around with traffic cones on your head.  Arrogant nerds bragging that they know more about British political history than their professor, but really making themselves look ridiculous. (Oh wait, that last category might have been just MY school.)

However, at work, eating lunch by yourself can be pretty lame.  The usual scenario is that you’re stuffing your face while still at your desk, swamped with whatever. But it could also be that you just couldn’t find anyone to eat with.  Personally, I’d rather not eat alone at work, because I’ve already spent several hours largely by myself.  At that point, I’d prefer social interaction to reading out-of-date magazines or old-lady crime novels that people have donated to the breakroom.

Of course, if you’re unemployed, lunch is debating spending your last three bucks on Taco Bell oh wait you don’t have gas in the car (or a car in general) and it’s too far to walk so guess it’s time to scrounge around at the back of the pantry.

And now for something completely different: are you guys on Linked In? Cause if so, you should totally add me. No, I just mean that it is more than just Facebook for Dummies/Actual Grownups, in the sense that I bet it could really help with launching your career.  You can search for job openings, and it even alerts you when someone you know posts one.  If you add old bosses, co-workers, obnoxious TAs–whatever–they can “recommend” you and some glowing praise or other will show up on your profile for the world to see.  So far I’ve been digging it.

No seriously, add me.

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